12 octubre, 2006

Mejorando Los Presentes (MLP)

Este post es para evidenciar la estima que profeso para con un gran amigo y mejor compadre, quien en sus ratos de gourmet / gourmand (MLP) a veces se le da por pinchar pedazos de huachalomo de chanchito asado (MLP) con un tenedor y ofrecerlo directamente a la boca de sus amigos (esto lo hace porque se sienta en la noticia acerca de lo que pueden atribuirle las mentes pacatas que en todo ven mariconadas... por cierto, bien que algunos de sus amigos aceptan de buen grado el bocadillo). Hace algún tiempo conversamos acerca de un cartoon de Warner Brothers realmente inesquecivel del cual sólo habíamos rescatado la música y buscado infructuosamente en las compilaciones de caricaturas de esa compañía en Amazon y E-Bay, hasta que finalmente alguien piadoso lo ha colgado en la Biblioteca de Alejandría visual, o sea, el socorrido YouTube. Adjunto la letra completa, como es habitual, en el primer comment.

Con la genial dirección de Fritz Freleng, "Three Little Bops" (mejorando los presentes).

3 comentarios:

Los hijos negados del Dr. No dijo...

Three Little Bops(Fritz Freleng):

Remember the story of the Three Little Pigs,
One played a pipe and the other danced gigs.
The Three Little Pigs are still around
But are playing music with the modern sound.
Three Little Pigs were in the groove
Everything was running smooth.
The Pigs were due for a big surprise,
For the Wolf appeared with red rimmed eyes.
"Oo you cool, oo you cool, oo you cool man cool"
Well sho he was friendly he shook their hands,
Announced he was joining up with the band.
Instead of starting an argument
A one and a two and away they went.
The Three Little Pigs were really gassed,
They’d never heard such a corny blast.
"We’ve played in the west"
"We’ve played in the east"
"We’ve heard the most, but you’re the least!"
Well, the Big Bad Wolf was really mad
He wanted to play music and wanted to play bad.
"They stopped me before I could go to town
So I’ll huff and puff and blow their house down"
The House Of Straw was blown away
The Pigs had to find another place to play:
Dew Drop Inn the house of sticks
Three Little Pigs were giving out licks.
Well the piano playing Pig was swinging like a gate
Doing the Liberace on the eighty eight
"I wish my brother George was here"
The Three Little Pigs were having a ball,
When the Big Bad Wolf he entered the hall.
The Big Bad Wolf he sat right down:
"C’mon cats we’re going to town!"
From the crowd came an angry shout:
"Stop the music! Throw the square out!"
The Big Bad Wolf was really sore.
"If they’re going to get tough I’ll give them more!
They don’t know talent in this here town,
I’ll huff and I’ll puff and blow the place down!"
Dew Drop Inn did drop down.
The Three Little Pigs crawled out of the rubble
"This Big Bad Wolf gives us nothing but trouble!"
"We won’t be bothered by his windy tricks"
"The next place we play must be made of bricks!"
Sturdy place this House Of Bricks
Built in 1776,
High class place with the high class crowd.
Sign on the door "No wolves allowed".
The Wolf was sore and fit to be tied,
He was sworn and determined to get inside.
He huffed and puffed at the House Of Bricks,
But the bricks are stronger than straw or sticks.
He huffed and puffed and bleeped and blooped,
And at ten o'clock was completely pooped.
When all of the sudden came a ray of hope!
"I could disguise myself, boy what a dope!"
Well the Big Bad Wolf took it all in stride,
He figured out another way to get inside.
"I’ll show those Pigs that I’m not stucked
If I can’t blow it down, I’ll blow it up!"
Well, the Big Bad Wolf was really gone
And with him went his corny horn,
Went out of this world without a trace
Didn’t go to heaven: it was the other place.
"The Big Bad Wolf he learned the rule
You’ve got to get hot to play real cool!…"

Anónimo dijo...

Some individuals or companies have abused the TrackBack feature to insert spam links on some blogs (see sping). This is similar to comment spam but avoids some of the safeguards designed to stop the latter practice. As a result, TrackBack spam filters similar to those implemented against comment spam now exist in many weblog publishing systems. Many blogs have stopped using trackbacks because dealing with spam became too burdensome.

Anónimo dijo...

Pobre Lobito, al final me dio pena... (penita, como diria el Metronomo). Pero ya me vengue ahorita comiendome unas masitas (chicharroncitos) en la fiesta patronal de Yauco.
Hablando de Yauco, le hago llegar mi mas gentil invitacion al Metronomo para que se de una vuelta por la Isla del Encanto, donde se que su pluma encontraría en gran cantidad el tan preciado numen, que aunque debo reconocer no le es esquivo, nunca esta demas algo extra. Propongo que este lugar podria ser sede del proximo congreso de Otronosinos, asi como lo fue ese lugar en la sierra que mencionó en anterior post. (Incluso Metro, podria Ud. invitar a su mandadaza admiradora Normita, que debe ser una cholita sabrosona y ricotona y que me he dado cuenta que hace rato quiere su buena porcion de frankfurter). Puedo hacer los arreglos muy discretos para reservarle una habitacion en el Hotel Venus, en la 114, el cual me dicen que es bien caleta, y sobre todo (como diria el malogrado Javier Rojas) affordable, ya que la habitacion esta a 60 cocos la noche, cifra que podria muy bien solventar Ud. con sus royalties que recibe en Otro NO. No sea quedado, oiga Ud.
Con todo respeto.